Plant Troubleshooting 💡

Why Is My Spider Plant Drooping? A Guide to Reviving Your Plant

Is your Spider Plant drooping? You’re not alone, and there’s no need to panic! This is a common issue many plant parents face, but the great news is that figuring out the cause usually leads to an easy solution.

Whether it’s something as simple as inconsistent watering, or as pesky as a hidden bug infestation, we’ve got a comprehensive guide to help you diagnose and treat the issue. Our goal is to help you get your Spider Plant back to its perky, vibrant self.

Common Reasons Your Spider Plant is Drooping or Wilting

1. Underwatering

Spider Plants are drought-tolerant but still require consistent moisture. Drooping leaves accompanied by dry soil often indicate the need for watering.

How to fix: Check the moisture by sticking your finger into the soil up to an inch. If it feels dry, then your Spider Plant needs a good soak. Look out for water pooling on the surface or running down the sides of the pot without soaking in. This might indicate that the soil is hydrophobic, meaning that it repels water rather than absorbing it.

Watering tip: A thorough soak is more effective than frequent, shallow waterings. Check out our guide on watering indoor plants for more info on the matter.

2. Overwatering

Overwatering is another common issue, especially for beginners. Spider plants are sensitive to root rot, a condition that appears when the soil stays wet for extended periods. Symptoms of root rot include yellow or brown leaves, and of course, drooping.

How to fix: Make sure your pot has drainage holes. Limit watering to when the top inch of the soil is dry. If you suspect root rot, consider repotting your Spider Plant into fresh soil as soon as possible.

3. Too Little Light

A common but often overlooked issue with Spider Plants is insufficient light, which can result in drooping leaves and stunted growth.

Like most houseplants, Spider Plants require adequate light to perform photosynthesis effectively and sustain their health. When placed in low-light conditions for an extended period, the plant’s overall health declines, leading to drooping or sagging leaves.

How to fix: Make sure your plant is placed in a well-lit area but avoid direct sun exposure, as it can scorch the leaves. Ideal spots include east or north-facing windows, where your Spider Plant can receive bright, indirect light.

4. Heat Stress

When temperatures soar for extended periods, plants tend to lose water through evaporation more quickly than their roots can absorb it. The result is a wilted appearance, characterized by drooping leaves, which often occurs due to a combination of rapid water loss and elevated internal temperatures.

How to fix: Keep your Spider Plant away from heat sources or spots where the sun blazes in. Additionally, during high-temperature days, check the soil moisture more frequently. You may have to water your plant more often to compensate for the rapid evaporation. Even so, be careful to avoid overwatering, as this can also cause issues.

Spider Plants prefer a moderate temperature range of 65-75°F (18-24°C).

5. Nutrient Deficiency

Lack of essential nutrients is a less obvious reason behind a drooping Spider Plant.

Plants need a balanced mix of nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium for proper growth and health.

How to fix: Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer to provide the plant with essential nutrients. Apply it once a month or every other month during its growing season (spring and summer).

6. Transplant Shock

Recently repotted Spider Plants may experience transplant shock, resulting in drooping.

How to fix: Give your plant time to adjust to its new environment. Water it well and place it in optimal lighting conditions.

7. Pests

Pests such as spider mites, aphids, and scale insects can suck the life out of your Spider Pant, leading to a loss of vigor and, eventually, drooping leaves. Because these creatures are often tiny and may hide on the underside of leaves or along the stems, they can easily go unnoticed until the problem becomes severe.

How to fix: Give your Spider Plant a little check-up. Pay special attention to the hidden spots, like the underside of leaves and where the stems connect to the leaves—these are the favorite hideaways for pesky bugs. If you do spot pests, grab some insecticidal soap or neem oil and follow the directions for a quick and effective treatment.

Also make sure to check out our article on spotting and treating houseplant pests for more info on the matter.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you fix a droopy spider plant?

Make sure your spider plant is getting moderate, indirect sunlight and check its watering schedule—let the soil dry out between waterings. If overwatered, let the soil dry more than usual before the next watering.

What does an overwatered spider plant look like?

It typically shows signs like yellowing leaves, a mushy base, and soggy soil. You might also see brown, soft roots when checking them.

Why is my spider plant flopping over?

This can be due to several reasons like overwatering, insufficient light, or nutrient deficiency. Optimize the watering routine, make sure your spider plant gets enough light, and consider feeding it from time to time.

Should spider plants be hanging?

Yes, hanging is a great option as it allows the arching leaves and baby plants (spiderettes) to hang down beautifully.

How do I know if my spider plant is happy?

A happy spider plant has vibrant green leaves, frequent produces flowers and spiderettes, and also shows robust growth.

Where is the best place to put or hang a spider plant?

Near a window with filtered light or in a room with bright, indirect sunlight. They thrive away from direct sunlight and like consistent temperatures.

How do I know if my spider plant needs repotting?

Look for roots growing out of the drainage holes or circling the surface of the soil. If the plant seems to dry out very quickly after watering, or if the growth has significantly slowed, it might be time to repot.

How often do you water a spider plant?

Water your spider plant about once a week, but allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings. During the winter, reduce watering to every other week or when the soil feels dry to the touch.

What does a spider plant look like when it needs water?

The leaves may begin to droop, feel a bit soft and lose their color. Unlike its usual perky and upright stance, the plant will look wilted and less vibrant.

Do you water a spider plant from the top or the bottom?

You can water a spider plant either from the top or the bottom. Bottom watering helps ensure the roots are thoroughly moistened and encourages deep root growth, but top watering is fine as long as you avoid getting water directly in the center of the crown.

Can I cut the brown tips off my spider plant?

Yes, you can trim the brown tips off your spider plant to keep it looking neat. Use sharp scissors to cut just beyond the discolored part.


Identifying the root cause of your Spider Plant’s drooping leaves is the first step towards proper care. From watering and lighting to temperature and nutrients, paying attention to each aspect can make a significant difference in your plant’s health.

And if you properly care for you Spider Plants, who knows, you might even receive some flowers in return!

About Author

Hey there! I'm Denis, a lifelong plant lover and gardening enthusiast. I've been in love with gardening since the age of 10 when I successfully grew my first roses from cuttings. Since then, my passion has only grown stronger, and I now write articles about plants to share my knowledge and experiences with others.

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